January 18, 2011


We have a great group of boaters on our dock.  Woody and Brenda are across from us on a MacGregor 26 they trailered from Virginia.  Woody buys a newspaper every morning, and we get to read it when they're finished.  He's trying to remember how he folded the papers when he delivered them back when.  Then he can just throw it across the dock to our cockpit.  I let him log on to my wifi for a while.  He liked it so much, that he ordered one online and had it delivered here.

Phil and Cathie are here from Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin on a Rosborough like ours.  We were all sitting on the dock next to their boat this morning when Pam says look, they have carpet in their cockpit.  Before the sun set today, we had carpet in our cockpit.  Next, she says look, they have tinted windows.  We've ordered tinting online to be delivered here.  Thanks, Phil and Cathie.

Next to us are Mike and Kay Anne on a 27' Sea Ray that they trailered here from the U.P.  Pam was complaining about the hair cut and perm she got just before we left home.  Kay Anne was trained at Vidal Sasoon's in California, and volunteered to help.

I hung out by the launching ramp this afternoon, and when any flats boat came in, I asked where they'd been and what they caught.  Then I asked where they'd go if they only had a dinghy with a 2 hp motor.  One guy told me there were tarpon in Whale Harbor Pass.  It's about 5 miles from here.  Our dinghy goes about 5 mph, so looks like I'm off for an hour dinghy ride tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. If you stay down there long enough, you will have that boat in pretty good shape. Good luck with the tarpon today!
    Thought you might be interested in what's happening here in the beautiful frozen north.
    Tomorrow: 3-5 inches of snow. High of 24.
    Friday: High of 10, wind WNW 15
    Saturday: back up to a balmy high of 24.
    After that the weather is supposed to get bad.
    Wish you were here.
