January 8, 2013


Here in our marina, I can see lots of big sheepshead eating barnacles at the bottom of the pilings.  However, there are "No Fishing" signs throughout the marina.  So, I knew of an old railroad bridge down the way with lots of pilings.  So, I got some shrimp for bait and we took off in the dinghy.

After fishing the pilings there for quite a while, I had only caught some small groupers, and snappers.  We did see a guy with some nice sheepies.  He had walked out on the bridge, and shot a bow and arrow between the ties to hit the fish.  He had a line tied to the arrow, and pulled the fish up.

Later, I was fishing the mangroves off the ICW, and caught some sheepies.

And, I found the reason we came to this part of Florida.  REDFISH !

I had to spend a little time with him to ensure he was OK as I released him.

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