February 5, 2012


Beach--not fish.  On Friday, we drove up to visit our friends Bill & Joyce who have a condo in Pompano Beach, FL.  Their condo is right on the Intercoastal Waterway.  I could have spent the entire time we were there sitting on their balcony overlooking the ICW watching boats cruising by and waiting on the draw bridge to open.

As usual, my attention was drawn to this nice little 122' boat that was built in 1926.  If you'd like to charter it, here's the website.  www.marineriii.com

While the women went shopping, Bill took me to do a little "shopping" as well.  We first stopped at a car dealership that must have had a hundert new and used Ferrari's in stock.  Most of the used ones were around $300,000, but I did find an older 1988 that was only $70,000.

After that, we stopped at a boat dealer to look over a couple of new motor cruisers that were being prepared for the Miami boat show.  Bill finds it easier to tour expensive boats away from the show.  Otherwise, in order to board the expensive boats at the show, you have to be pre-qualified and show that you have the financial ability to purchase the boat.  The 72' boat we toured had 4 staterooms, a hot tub, beautiful leather couches, and the refrigerator is larger than the one in our home.  It was only $6 million. 

On the way back to the condo, we drove through some pretty nice neighborhoods.  I can't even guess the cost of some of those homes.  Out back of one of them, was a boat that was originally owned by The Donald.

Bill and Joyce took us to a really cool spot for dinner.  Cap's Place was built on an island in the 20's, and did a great business during Prohibition.  During that time, Cap's brother was the keeper at the nearby lighthouse.  He would signal Cap when a shipment of booze was coming in, and a different signal when the Fed's were headed towards the island.  Even today, the only way to get to Cap's Place  is in a small launch out to the island.  Lots of fun, and great food.

Yesterday, we all went to the Swap Shop.  The largest (by far) flea market ever.  I've never seen so much stuff.

Breakfast this morning.

On the way back out to Islamorada this afternoon, we saw this tow vehicle and boat sitting in a storage lot.  I'm thinking this truck might get the job done a little better than my wonderful Ford diesel. 

I'm not sure however, just how my Rosborough would look painted to match the truck.

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