We did eat breakfast at the G N F M both Sat & Sun. And even though I swore not to spend money on things I didn't need, I was able to find a nice fishing pole and reel, some back-up flip flops, a belt (to keep up with the Richman) some shorts, a fishing rod holder, some wire ties, etc etc--all these things I desperately needed. Pammie considered buying a bonsai tree for the boat, but decided it might need as much care as a dog. It would, however, be considerably quieter.
But, as with any circus, the grounds were filthy. All the animals (people) walking around. Every time we left the boat, we had to get the brush-on-a-stick and scrub our toes. (Pammie can reach her toes with a regular brush, but she refuses to scrub mine, so I need the stick.)
And there were even more dogs here during the G N F M. So I got an idea that might work out well. The animal shelter was here last week looking for people to adopt dogs. If I could adopt an inventory of dogs, I could rent them out to folks who come to this "pet friendly" park without one. And any of the small ones that turned out to be trouble, I could sell for shark bait.
Dog??? Haven't seen (or heard) one in two weeks...