February 2, 2010


Pam did laundry this morning. Everything we have is clean. Seems that we could stay an extra six weeks. Although, half of what she washed was long pants and sweatshirts. Won't be needing those again here. While she did laundry, I went to the marina office to extend our stay yet another week. If you come here, go ahead and pay for a month up front. It's cheaper than three weeks, and chances are good you'll stay longer than you thought.
Our dinghy ride this afternoon took us over by Sombrero Marina. I've always found some boats more pleasing to look at than others. Hinckleys, Grand Banks, Sabres, etc. I find some older boats to be real works of art. The boat in these photos needs some TLC, but it could really be something special. I don't know the builder, but my guess would be Trumpy.
We took the dinghy way, way back into the mangroves. We discovered two exciting things. The first was tarpon. While casting one direction, I glanced over my shoulder to see several tarpon rolling close to some mangroves behind us. No doubt about it. Silver fish with that tell-tale dorsal fin. I quickly reeled in and casted to the exact spot. I guess my adrenlin must have kicked in because I casted straight to the spot, but my lure was 8 feet above the water stuck in the mangroves. And that's how we discovered the second exciting thing. While removing my lure from the mangroves, we were attacked by man-eating bugs. No see ums. Bugs about half the size of a speck of pepper but they each have dozens of 3" long razor sharp teeth. Our faces, arms and legs were covered with them. As you might imagine, that was the end of my fishing for the day. But I do have bug repellent and another day.

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