February 13, 2013

sailboat racing and redfish

Back when I raced sailboats, there was a saying that I thought accurately described the races..................."Endless hours of boredom interspersed with moments of stark terror."  That pretty much sums it up--especially when you consider some of the people I had crewing with me.  For instance, we raced in the 100 mile race on Kentucky Lake several times.  Go down the lake 50 miles, make one turn and sail back up the lake.  Sounds simple.  I remember one particular race when my crew waited until the very last minute at the turning mark to get the headsail set up for the return leg.  As we rounded the mark and they hoisted the headsail, it was upside down.  They had hanked it on the headstay pointy end down.  The breeze had picked up, and we were quickly overpowered and knocked down.  It took forever to get things secured, and we lost a lot of positions in the race.  Afterwards, I suggested that we might as well go over in a cove, drop the hook and have lunch.

So, what does this have to do with fishing for redfish? Today, I made a thousand casts.  I caught red fish on casts number 697, 698, and 699.  Three consecutive casts.  Nothing before and nothing after.  All the excitement happened in a short period of time.

I used to like watching dolphins.  But this was the third time a dolphin has come into the area where I'm fishing, and scared the fish away.

One guy who reads my blog said he actually watches my videos.  So here's another.

1 comment:

  1. there is an old saying "the problem starts aft". the crew were hungry, the skipper was driving them hard.
