Pam got bored sitting in the cockpit, so she moved to the promenade deck for a different view.

I also climbed up and took some photos of the neighborhood. We can see about half of the marina from our slip.
Several of the boats are leaving for the Bahamas this week.
The hot dog boat provided some entertainment this weekend. He left Saturday morning to go out to the sandbar and open for business. Just outside the marina, he ran aground. He had to call TowBoatUS to pull him off. But before he could get away, the Florida FWC (same as DNR--turtle cops--at home) came and wrote him a ticket for disturbing the sea grass. Then when he finally got out to the sandbar where he sells hot dogs, his house boat was blown sideways, and washed up on the sandbar in such a way that he had to call TowBoatUS again. A good day for the POSEIDON.
With the weather so nice here also, the weekenders with their boats were out in great numbers... To the southeast of us are some shallows and a sandbar pretty much due east of a channel marker... "TowBoatsUS" was getting a work-out.. One guy in a 35 foot cabin cruser went aground on the sandbar backed up a few feet and then gunned it full forward... (I think beer was involved)... Needless to say he beached it real good so the the towboat couldn't pull him off... We checked to see when next high tide was and it was about 3:15 AM... The girl on the boat got off with the towboat boat and the two guys stayed on drinking more beer til high tide... They were gone in the morning... Goodtimes were had by all... ;)