February 9, 2011


I guess if you write a blog about how nice it is here, and how bad it is at home (lots of sNOw and ice with single digit temps) , you should expect this sort of thing to happen.  Rich and Jill, our friends from Indiana decided six holes in their freezer wasn't really enough,  so they flew to St. Somewhere.

They found a quaint "old Florida" place to stay a couple of miles down the road from us.  We met them at the Island Grill for tuna nachos Monday night.  Then yesterday, we went with them in their rent-a-car  (I think it was a Cordorba)  to Key West.

You might recall that our ex boat neighbors, Woody and Brenda moved their boat to KW a few days ago.  We said that if we got to KW again, we'd call them and hook up.  We didn't decided to go to KW until just before departure, and I didn't have W & B's phone number.  KW is a small town, "we'll just run into them somewhere."  Not likely.  While driving along A1A, Pam says" There's W & B riding their bikes!"  Richman couldn't find a place to stop or turn the Cordorba around, so we lost them.  Then, after we parked and were waiting on our women who were buying T-shirts at every store along Duval street,  I said to Richman, "look at all these people, you'd think we'd see someone we know."  Who walks by but Woody and Brenda.

W & B have spent a lot of time in Key West.  They know all the cool, out of the way places to see unusual stuff.  (Even more importantly, they know where the rest rooms are.)  Woody showed us a different view of Duval Street from the La Concha Hotel roof.

There's some roof top art work that most people crawling along Duval Street don't see.

Then Woody says he knows a spot where there's usually an artist painting a picture of five women who are posing while dancing naked.  Key West.  Off we go.  Along the way, we see these three ladies with their painted hats looking at a small boat in the harbor.  Nice, but not the same as five women dancing naked.

Finally, we walk around a corner, and shut the front door.............just as Woody said, there they are. 

The guy doing the painting said his name was Henry something--maybe Matisse.  (He had some foreign accent.)  Upon closer inspection, the five dancing women weren't all that great.

No, that's not Richman laying on the ground below the women, and he doesn't show up in the original Matisse painting.  It's part of the sculpture.  Must be a KW thing.

Later in the day, Pam was accosted by Sponge Bob.  (It looks like he's dragging her to the ground, but actually, I can't get this photo to rotate in the blog format.  So turn your head.)

By the end of the day, we had enriched the economy in Key West.  Our group purchased a total of 18 T-shirts.  Sorry, Jimmy, not one of them was yours.

Driving back in the Cordoba, and looking at all the boats for sale along US 1, I realized that it's almost five years ago that we sold our sailboat business.  My five year non-compete agreement expires this year.  I think I'll call Charlie and Eileen (who bought our business) and see if I can get that extended for another five years.

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