April 18, 2009


Saturday, 4-18-09
We left home yesterday morning at 6 am. That's the middle of the night for retired people. Uneventful trip (the best kind.) Arrived in Pensacola just before dark-thirty. Launched, and were tied up in our slip by 8pm.
I'm disappointed to learn that this part of Florida has clouds. As a matter of fact, the NOAA Weather computer speak guru says it will rain today. That's actually good news because they're always wrong.
I pumped up our new dinghy last night, and loaded it on the roof. I bought the dinghy from a guy in Kentucky who had worked for a boat dealer who went broke, and instead of paying his wages, gave him a Mercury air floor dinghy. I helped him turn it into cash. Even though it's "new," it has no warranty. But having been in the boat business, I know the fine print on those warranties renders them worthless anyway. "When the water runs in........................the warranty runs out."

I made a new WiFi antenna that's visible in this photo just above the port side door. It's a lot of secret high powered electronic gizmos inside a PVC tube. Without it, I can't receive any wifi networks. But when I plug it in, I can have my choice of about 10 different signals. (Including two from alien spacecraft hovering above the atmosphere. This is the first time I've had contact from the aliens since I quit drinking.)
I need to clean the bugs off the boat windows and then we're heading west to L.A. (Lower Alabama).

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