Left the free city dock at Ft Walton about 9. We pumped out the holding tank and filled the water tank. Nice place to stay except for the homeless people hanging out in the park. They all seemed to disappear just before dark. Wish I could have found out where they shower. Some of them smelled better than we do.
Crossing Choctawhatchee Bay today. About 30 miles of open water. It's a long stretch through the middle of lots of nothing. So I let Pam drive. It would be nice to have an autopilot, but Pam is cheaper.
There were no other boats out on the bay, and I once again found the "restricted are" note on the chart. When several groups of fighter jets began flying directly over us, I became a little concerned. (I wasn't even broadcasting with my secret wifi antenna.)
We were passing an air force base, and they were doing touch and go's. We spent a lot of money on jet fuel today.
As we went up the bay, the water continued to become more brown. It looked about like an Indiana farm pond.
Then we passed through what they call the "Grand Canyon". It's about 25 miles of a dredged canal. Not much to see except the sand piled high from dredging. No houses etc.
The chart says the land adjacent to the canal is swamp. This guy came flying out of a clearing.
At the end of the canal, we saw his place.
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