More tunnel of luv.......................
On the way back out, we paused in the little pond between the tunnel and the beach. The water is very tannin stained, and the place is about as big as a small Indiana farm pond. I had my lightweight fishing pole, and a few Gulp shrimp. I casted up near the mangroves, and wham !
After about two jumps, I knew what I had.....................TARPON !!
It continued to jump several more times, and then charged towards the boat. I watched without being able to do much else as it jumped over and under the dinghy's anchor line a couple of times and was gone. I had been asking Pam to get the camera out and get a photo of it jumping, but she never does anything the first time I ask, so all I have is her sworn testimony.
Yes, it's all true. Signed, Pam
Here's where the tarpon had been jumping just moments earlier
Pam wanted to ride our bikes at Boca Grande, or else I'd still be there trying to hook another tarpon. I'm hoping we can get back in there before we head NOrth.
So we motored over to Boca Grande, and anchored with a bunch of sailboats--including the same Hunter 260 with the two couples from Dayton. The drill here is to drop anchor in the channel, and then back up and tie the stern to the mangroves.
We took the dinghy for a tour of the island, and found another small cruiser like us.
We are now official, certified cruisers. We've been out long enough that we actually ate a can of Dinty Moore Beef Stew for dinner--instead of just carrying a can around for years. I doubt if the folks on the boat in the photo above had Dinty Moore tonight. I also doubt if they had any more fun than us today.
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