September 22, 2012

Tonic on the Hudson

At the conclusion of the last exciting episode of "Adventures on Tonic," The ford truck was still broke down in Clare Michigan.  After even more repair $$$ I was able to get it home. 

I finally figured out what was causing all the trouble with my truck.  Turned out to be that blue oval on the grill.  When I exchanged it for this one, all the truck problems ended.

 We're off to New York to cruise the Hudson River and Erie Canal.

I drove about 800 miles yesterday and didn't need to be towed once.  Heck, the "service engine" light didn't even come on.  We didn't shoot out any black smoke--or white, blue, or green smoke either.  Sell your stock in the tow truck companies.

We launched at Kingston, N.Y. this morning, and started down the Hudson towards New York City. 

We found this boat sleeping under a bridge.

There are several lighthouses on the Hudson

This part of the Hudson River doesn't look that much different than the Ohio, Mississippi, Tennesee, Cumberland, etc

There may be some nicer weekend cabins on the Hudson.  This one is pretty typical.

We also encountered this world traveler

We stopped early this afternoon at Shadows Marina in Poughkeepsie, NY.  Last night, we slept in the boat in a Walmart parking lot.  Well, Pam slept, I just laid there listening to the Friday night happenings at Walmart.  This marina is exposed to the wakes of passing boats, and there are trains that run frequently on both sides of the river.  Sleeping may not be much better tonight.

1 comment:

  1. I had to zoom in on the "Rip Van Winkle" boat under the bridge to see it's name... I had figured a name like "Ogre".... Glad you made it okay and are on the water... Hope this adventure is uneventful as far as breakdowns and such... Looking forward to more great pictures and colorful writing.... (TLW)...
