September 27, 2012

Cold Spring

I know what you're thinking.........."Tom, those clothes don't need a tag on the outside for people to know.  They've got Walmart written all over them."

The night view from our slip in Liberty Landing Marina was pretty cool.

Leaving New York Harbor this morning was just as much fun as it was coming in.  Too many ferries going too fast and making too many course changes without warning.  I tried to hug the shore, but every now and then, a ferry would dart out from between piers--or cruise ships.


I had to go to within about 50 yards of this pier to read this sign.

We made it out of town, and after getting north of the GWB, we pretty much had the river to ourselves.

We saw this guy (and some others) dropping in on West Point as we passed by.

Pam's second cousin Nancy and her husband Farrell, live on the Hudson River in Fort Montgomery, NY.  As a matter of fact, they are the ones who gave Pam the idea of a Hudson River cruise.  So when we knew we were coming to the Hudson, Pam contacted them, and agreed to meet if our schedules allowed.  We looked for a place we could stop that would be reasonably close to their house, and thought we would try Cold Spring.  Pam called Nancy, and told them we would arrive about 4 today.

Nancy and Farrell were nice enough to drive over to meet us for dinner, and then offered to take us on a tour through West Point.  They both retired from West Point, and were the best tour guides we could have had.  Later, they took us back to their beautiful home overlooking the river, and fed us homemade concord grape pie. 

Here's the view from their deck.  (These shots were taken after dark--in case you don't recognize the moon.)

Tomorrow, we plan to go up to Cats kill.  (I've noticed that most New York maps have inadvertently left out the space between the s and k of that town's name.)

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