September 25, 2011

Huntington, WV

Some places might be called a "barn yard."  I called this one a "barge yard."  They pulled a barge up to shore in front of their house, filled it with dirt and planted grass.

As we were motoring up the river, I tried to call the marina where we planned to stop in Huntington.  No answer, but I left my name and number on their answering machine.  No one called back.  It has a large restaurant attached to it, so I called it.  No answer.
When we arrived, we did a fly by to see what it looked like.  There was an open spot on the river side, so we tied up.  Some people were sitting on a houseboat nearby so we asked them where we could find the dockmaster.  "Not here--tie up anywhere."  So we thought we'd stay where we were, and while looking for a place to plug in shorepower, a guy came by and started to help us look.  He suggested we move around on the inside, close to where he keeps his boat.  He said this place was closed for the season.  My Quimby's showed another marina a couple of miles upriver.  He said it sank this Spring.  So we moved our boat around by his.  He helped find an outlet that was working, and we were set for the night.  He also told us where we could find restaurants etc in town.  Most people we meet on the river are friendly.


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