July 2, 2010

Anchored again

We've been making a little over 40 miles a day. Our speed is about 6 mph, so if you paid attention in math class you know when we depart at 9 am, we stop about 4 pm.
As we were meandering up the river, several boats blasted past us going 60+ mph. They all stopped at a little beach to party. It looked inviting, but I was able to find a really nice quiet cove off the main channel. If you're playing the home version of this game we are located at
N 42 degrees, 41.538 minutes
W 090 degrees, 57.162 minutes
At dusk, there were hunderts of bats circling our boat. Hope they're eating misquitoes and mayflies. Now that it's totally dark, there are billions and billions of stars.
One of our motors started running rough when we increased our speed to make it in a lock before they closed the gate. After we got out of the lock, I shut it down and ran on one motor the rest of the day. I checked the fuel for water, it looked ok and it seems that problem would affect both motors the same. I carry spare spark plugs so I changed them. One of the four old ones looked suspicious. Hope that solves the problem. At least it's downstream to our truck and trailer.

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