September 22, 2009

La Trappe Creek

Tuesday 9-22-09

Left Annapolis about 9:30 this morning and went up the Severn River to check out the USN.

We then crossed the bay, and through Poplar Island Narrows as well as Knapp's Narrows., and into the Choptank River.  The drawbridge in Knapp's Narrows has a vertical clearance of 12' so we fit under without having it raised.  (I had to lower my VHF antenna.)

The water on the Eastern Shore is much cleaner than the Western side.  It's green instead of brown.  There are crab pots everywhere throughout the bay.  Hunderts and hunderts of them.  Even more than down by Key West.  I would imagine that these crabs must be very prolific at procreation since it seems each and every one of them will eventually stumble into a crab trap--judging by the sheer number of traps in the water.

This afternoon, we went up the Tred Avon River to Oxford.  Then up the La Trappe Creek, where we're anchored for the night.  

Tomorrow, we hope to get ashore to explore Cambridge.


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  2. If you get down to Crisfield don't miss the Waterman's Inn. Somers Cove Marina there was very nice several years ago. If you cut through Smith Island stop for a crab cake at Ruke's.
