July 2, 2012

Heywood Banks

We had our first bug-less night while in the slip at Little Current.  Not sure why we had no bugs, but we enjoyed it.  I thought today about some more possible entry points for the mosquitoes.  Under the gunnels, some cables pass through an opening, leaving some openings, so I plugged them with some paper towels.

Dave and Barb from “Robert Sydney” stopped by to see us on their way to breakfast.  Dave says he makes sure the drain is pugged tight in the sink because mosquitoes can crawl in through there.  They also told us of some of their favorite anchorages.  They usually spend July and August cruising the North Channel.  (That’s Spring, Summer, and Fall here.)

We left Little Current around 1:00 pm, and motored on to Heywood Island.  Before dropping the hook, we toured the shoreline of Heywood Island.  It was a regular Heywood Banks show.  The wind is blowing 20+ knots, and we had a difficult time getting the anchor to hold.  Several other boats have come since we got here, and all anchored upwind of us.  We relocated out of the potential path of anchor draggers. (Dragging the anchor is yet another trick I learned from my pal the Dawg.)

Because of the wind, I’m hoping that the mosquitoes will not be able to fly out to our boat tonight.  The horse flies here are like flying sharks.

I don’t think I’ve mentioned how clear the water is up here.  We can watch the anchor go to the bottom in 15 or 20 feet.  And people actually swim in this water.  I stuck a thermometer in today, and it’s 66 degrees.

1 comment:

  1. Did you enjoy some "Toast" during the Heywood Banks show? ;)
