April 26, 2010


I thought I had posted enough gator photos. But here's one more.

Today, while coming back from the springs in our rubber boat, we were cruising along slowly about 10' off the shoreline. As we came to a small little indentation in the weeds, I had my camera in my hand thinking I might take a photo of the herron nest. Just as we got to the opening, we came face to face with the little guy in this photo. He must have thought we had his escape route blocked because he jumped up and ran straight towards us. He hit the water going much faster than you'd think something that big could move. I didn't know gators moved so fast or that a rubber boat with a 2 hp outboard at full throttle would seem so slow.

I didn't know I had his picture until I downloaded the photos from the camera. He was quite a bit longer than our rubber boat. I would guess him to be 14 feet long.

1 comment:

  1. That does it! I'm NOT going be boating in Florida!
    Tammi Goddard
    Cloud Nine
    Middlebury, VT

    p.s. It is snowing hard here. Eat your heart out.
