January 23, 2010


Went fishing again today with Cavanaughs. Steve is still fitting out his flats boat--tool cold to do much before he left Indiana. Unfortunately, the gas that was in it had water in it. We're trying to figure out what to do about that. We can go slow, but it won't run much faster than idle. So we slowly made our way out about 4 miles to a reef. Steve caught a nice grouper and I caught a smaller one.
I caught a couple of sharks. Steve grabbed one (see photo) but then it got loose in the boat. Having been bitten by a mad shark in a boat before, I was quick to jump up on a seat. Yes, those are my toes in the photo and they're unharmed. We caught a variety of fish including mackerel, grunts, snappers, blue runner, groupers and sharks.
The woman at the bait shop told us we wouldn't catch anything without a chum bag. (I thought she said "scumbag" and I told her I'd been called worse.") Anyway, Steve bought some chum and a bag. It drew in a lot of ballyhoo--but not much else we could see. Steve let me throw his cast net, and we caught one. Strange looking fish. That's it's lower jaw that sticks out.

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