December 11, 2009

Return trip

10 am we're 35 miles west of captiva. Fog so thick we can't see anything. Capt Jim is worried someone might run us over. Don't worry says I, anyone out in this will have radar. (except us of course.) We have motored the entire way back so far.
I didn't realize until we were half way back that we had only stayed one night at the Tortugas. All the days and nights run together when you don't sleep. My watch is every other 4 hours starting at 4 am to 8 am.
the fog is gone thanks to the storm that came in. Temp dropped 20 degrees, wind blowing 20 on the nose, waves 6 to 8'. We take green water over the bow. Every screw, bolt, port, hatch, and window on this boat leaks. The v-berth cushions are floating (as is everything I brought onboard.) Trying to sleep is impossible. You have to hold on to the bunk with both hands and still you go flying off when we go crashing down a wave. Of course I wear my rain gear inside the boat because of all the water leaking through. Looks like we will get back to st pete about 7 am friday. Maybe.

1 comment:

  1. Tom,
    How many times do you have to learn the same lesson... Here it is again >You line all the screws slots up the same direction and *** no leaks. Will have my Ensign at Burnt Store all of January if you want to drop in.
    Wayne Stearns
