January 23, 2014

Sea Slugs

There's only two locations when you're talking to someone in Florida.  There's "here."  And there's "up NOrth."  Doesn't matter which state.  If it's not "here," then it's "up NOrth."

It's still cold here.  I realize that no one up NOrth cares, but when you go to the trouble and expense to come to Florida, you expect it to be warm.  My pal Shelly flew off to Arizona yesterday.  Today, the people on the boat next to us rented a car, drove to Miami, and got on a plane to the Caribbean, and chartered a sailboat.

The water taxi driver, Dave, is from somewhere up NOrth where they talk with an accent.  (Maine)
This morning, he told Pam there were some "ink fish" stranded on the shallow area next to where the water taxi docks.  She took a photo of one.

There were five or six of the unusual animals there, and he thought he should net them and move them to deeper water.  I had my underwater camera for the last two.  While he was moving them, they did squirt out ink.  However, a search on the internet proved them to be Brown Sea Slugs.  They are in the same family as squids, cuttlefish, and octopi.

Here's a short video

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