January 4, 2014

Just in the nick of time

We got out of the frozen NOrth just in the nick of time.  We had originally planned to depart on January 2nd.  After checking the forecast, we moved it up by one day, and left on the 1st.  Looking at photos from home, we barely escaped.  Very cold temps and lots of sNOw.

We're back in Palm Island Marina--same place as last year.  Pam likes the facility, and I like the fishing.  We've had some cool temps since we arrived, but can't seem to get much sympathy from people up NOrth for 40 degrees overnight here when the wind chill at home is -40 degrees.

IU and the Colts are on TV today.  It's cool and overcast, so we plan to stay inside and watch both games.

On the drive down, Pam saw a sign along the interstate for an "adult" superstore.  She said she wondered if they'd take a trade-in.  I couldn't imagine what she might have or want that would come from an "adult" superstore.  I've mentioned before that she makes me take "mature" vitamins, but she's disappointed that the "mature" part hasn't worked on me.  So she was hoping that she might trade me in for an adult. 


  1. Glad you made it down okay... And you're right, just in the nick of time... It's 33 here today with snow coming in tonight with temps dropping fast in the next few days... Have a GREAT adventure and keep the pictures coming... TLW

  2. Good to see you made it safe and sound. Sorry you are going to miss some really nice weather here in beautiful Indiana over the next week. Catch a bunch of fish and keep us up to date.
