October 6, 2009

Overnight Chesapeake City

Tuesday morning  10-6-09

The temperature dropped into the forty's overnight which made for a chilly evening.  It's free to dock here, but they want $15 to plug into their electric service.  If you understand how cheap I am, you know there was no electric heater running on our boat last night.  
The cool temperatures made for fog on the canal.  The barges and big cargo ships run all day and all night.  We got the spot on the city dock closest to the canal, so we had no trouble hearing their exceptionally loud fog horns and feeling their three foot high wakes rock the boat all night long.

Off to Baltimore

1 comment:

  1. Humm....you and Craig have more in common than I knew. We'd be without elec. heat too at $15/night.
    Tammi Goddard
    Cloud Nine
