Saturday, 7-11-09
Tammi, our cruise director came around knocking on our boat door at 6 am this morning. We tried to ignore her, but she just kept knocking. As I had mentioned, the weather forecast called for high winds on the lake today. She wanted all of us to get up and get started before the winds built. It was her plan to skip our original destination, and jump ahead to tomorrow night's stop tonight. I guess if you're going to do time traveling (going to tomorrow today) , you have to get an early start. Turned out to be a great idea. We all got up to the entrance of Otter Creek before the lake became too rough.
Lake Champlain is a beautiful area. The Adirondacks to the west, and the Green Mountains of Vermont to the east.
We motored up Otter Creek about 8 miles to the water falls at Vergennes, Vermont, and tied to a municipal dock. Half the fleet on one side, and the other half across the creek. There's a fast current just below the falls, and a strong wind that made docking and rafting up an adventure.
We walked up to the town of Vergennes to explore and look back to our docks.
What a beautiful setting. Once again, cruise director Tammi chose a great stop for our rendezvous.
T & P
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