March 2, 2013


It's been exceptionally cool here today, and the forecast for the next few days is more of the same with some rain mixed in.  The weather guessers say it's 20 degrees below the "average."  One of my favorite sayings is "Averages are made up of extremes."  Ninety degrees one day, fifty degrees the next equals an average temperature of seventy.

So, we've decided to pack up and head NOrth tomorrow (Sunday).  It's been a great stay here.  I looked back through my photos, and figured out that I caught 81 red fish.  Or according to the Pirate Don Argay, I caught the same red fish 81 times.  Anyway you look at it, it's been fantastic fishing.  Makes me want to do it again.  And again.  I start thinking maybe we should have a place here.  And a flats boat.  And spend more time here.

Most of our friends who come down here are dirt dwellers.  Several have just recently purchased some dirt.  Pam says that's not going to be in our future plans.  Still, I can't help looking at real estate ads, and I've even found some property very similar to what we used to own here.  It is priced lower than we paid for our Florida dirt back in the day.  So when she complains about the usual problems associated with living on a small boat (too hot, to cold, no room for anything, everything's moldy, etc etc, etc,) I remind her that this is all her idea.  Her whining rights have expired.  But she continues on anyway........and on, and on, and on. 
Me, I'm just "happy, happy happy."


  1. Thanks for sharing your adventures with us... Totally enjoyed everyday... Hope you do it again real soon.... and again... and again...

    Have a safe trip home....


  2. I enjoyed the stay. Thanks.


  3. it's rainy and below avarge up NOth too. let's get together and have our fish served to us when you get settled. I have enjoyed you keeping us up with your fun. Had a great time being there. don't hurt yourself scraping barnacles. hope you have a safe trip home.

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