June 28, 2012

South Benjamin Island


I thought I had been places with a lot of bugs before, but I was mistaken.  The mosquitoes and biting flies here are ferocious.   

I pumped up the dinghy, parked the Ford truck—left the key in it, and we departed Spanish Marina about 11 am.

Since our return from Florida, I purchased an ASUS transformer android tablet.  I also purchased the US and Canada Navionics  programs for both the android tablet and my phone.  Both the tablet and phone have a GPS built in, and don’t need wifi service to work.  I had programmed in the course to the Benjamin islands last night.   There would be little or no hope to find your way through the North Channel without some sort of chart plotter. In one spot it's 150 feet deep.  One boat length away, it's 1 foot deep.

We anchored in a cove on the south side of South Benjamin Island.  When we went in, there were several other boats anchored nearby.  Using a trick I learned from my pal the Dawg, we soon had the place to ourselves.  If you go in playing very loud Cajun music while dancing naked on the roof, most everyone will soon depart.  (This only works if the naked dancer is an old man—naked women of any age seem to have the opposite effect.)   

We motored the dinghy all around South Benjamin, and took hunderts of photos.  I imagine they will all look alike when I get them out several years from now, but this certainly is a beautiful place.

We climbed up some of the granite rocks and walked through the woods.  We hoped to see some wildlife, but all we found was this lean-to where a hermit lives.

If we were still in the sailboat business, this would have made a great ad for Hunter Marine.  We sold a lot of boats just like that one.

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures!!!! Reminds me of a Canadian fishing trip gone by... (Tracy)
